Mandibular distractors
Mandibular cranio-maxillo-facial distractors

Mandibular body pediatric distractor

Intraoral device for the controlled and measurable distraction of the mandibular body in the paediatric care
Designed in cooperation with the University of Parma, Prof. E. Sesenna and Dr. B. Brevi. Distractor with intraoral activation bar, easily applicable on both left and right side on mandible by modeling and cutting the plates it adapts to all mandible conformation. Thanks to low profile distractor is hardly noticeable by the patient.

Tickness less than 3 mm. Available in three patterns with distraction range up to 25 mm.

Distractor: stainless steel AISI 316L Ref. ASTM F138. Fixation screw: titanium grade 5 ASTM F136.

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